Meet the Artist.

Hello! I'm so glad you found my website in this vast expanse of the internet. I'm Andi, the artist and sole-proprietor behind this business. I'm self-taught in the arts and am currently gearing up to take on this business full-time!

I make art simply because I love the process. I love color and getting my hands dirty and bringing to life the whimsical ideas in my head. I share my art because there is always a chance it will resonate with someone out there in the world, and hopefully make their day a little bit brighter.

(blog coming soon)

Inspired by science and fiction.

I read (a lot) and one of my biggest sources of inspiration for art is science fiction. The genera has a fascinating history of sexism and classism that is *chef's kiss* perfect for subverting with modern themes of feminism. One of these days I'll write a blog post to explain my thoughts on the matter. For now, a picture is worth a thousand words, eh?

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  • You should know...

    My art & this website is the result of longterm practical dreaming. I love art, and I'm working my ass off to make it work. I still make mistakes, and I'm receptive to any and all feedback as I grow & learn.

  • Low-Waste!

    The world needs more art, not more waste! I do my best to run a low-waste operation over here with the resources I have. Please help me out by recycling or reusing the packaging your order arrives in!

  • Support Small Business

    As I grow my business, every single order brightens my day and reaffirms my motivation to keep making art. Know that your support of small businesses like mine means the world :)

  • Connect with me!

    Have an idea for collaboration, commission, or just want to say hi? Please feel free to reach out to me whenever via instagram, email, or the contact page above.

Join my fan club

Just kidding, it's totally not a fan club. But if you would like the occasional updates & discounts in your inbox, please do sign up! I promise I won't spam you, neither of us have time for that.

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